九洲風機|九洲普惠|九州風機|普惠風機|九洲普惠風機官方網站,九洲風機是國內大型知名風機廠家。電話:0757-85720827 13902890749
2JZ double- stage high pressure blower雙級高壓離心式鼓風機
2JZ series at present are our new product researched and
developed on the basis of a series of high pressure blower athome and
abroad. The fans have two-stage impellers. Featured by high pressure,
low noise, rational design,nice outlook,and stable operation, the fans
are widely used for high pressure blowing in industries such as
ancient fumace, glass,electroplating and ceramics, and also for
materialtransportation in some industries like silos, feed,slag
processing, etc.The air tansfered shall not contain any toxic,
corrosive and adhesive material with the temperature of air no greater
than80C ,dust and grain and the concentration shall not exceed 150mg/m3