九洲風機|九洲普惠|九州風機|普惠風機|九洲普惠風機官方網站,九洲風機是國內大型知名風機廠家。電話:0757-85720827 13902890749
high pressure centrifugal fan
9-19系列風機一般用于鍛冶爐、玻璃、電池、 無線電、電鍍陶瓷等行業高壓強
無害、無腐蝕性氣體,氣體內不允許有粘性物質, -般通風換氣時使用溫度不得超
過80C ,所含的塵土及硬質顆粒物應不大于s150mg/m'.
This series are use for coercive ventilation in industries such
asAncient furnace, glass, electroplating, ceramics, etc, and arewidely
used for material transportation in processins
Idustis ike f Fee and slag. The transporting meduimkair or other non-
spontaneous--combustion and non- explosiveshall not contain any
adhesive material,- combustion air with no harm tohuman. The air
transferre(dust and grain and theno higher than 80C.